Our Team

Manmeet Kaur

I bring with me experience in monitoring and evaluation research in livelihoods, gender, climate change... Read More

Saikat Ghosh

I have a master’s degree in quantitative economics, specializing in empirical economic research... Read More

Badrinath G.

My decade long career has given me the opportunity to straddle both words, as a program implementor... Read More

Akshaya Patro

I have been working for over three decades in the development and market research industry, having led... Read More

Sandeep Ghosh

I have accumulated over three decades of experience and wisdom from working in the development... Read More

Manmeet Kaur

I bring with me experience in monitoring and evaluation research in livelihoods, gender, climate change, and natural resource management. Inspired by my training in Quantitative techniques, and my passion for leveraging the potential of data and evidence led me to the social sector. My present role allows me to play with numbers and use data science in creating bespoke outcomes that cater to the needs of diverse audiences. 

In my spare time, the thrill of emotive expression on the theatrical stage captivates my heart, and I often engage in stage drama where I can weave emotions and experiences into a narrative that resonates.

Saikat Ghosh

I have a master’s degree in quantitative economics, specializing in empirical economic research. Since my early days in college, I have been interested in understanding the complex socio-economic realities of India and wanted to provide quantitative evidence-based solutions to them. In my professional experience, for almost 5 years, I have leveraged my knowledge of advanced econometric methods to high-end analytics but learning how to also effectively communicate the nuances of complex issues and potential solutions to a broader base is still a work in progress.

On holidays, I go for hikes in the Himalayas, while capturing the stunning landscapes and the overwhelming beauty of the unpolluted night sky with my D-SLR. I am also an avid guitarist and music enthusiast.

Badrinath G.

My decade long career has given me the opportunity to straddle both words, as a program implementor, as well as a development sector researcher. Having completed both the Gandhi Fellowship and the Aspirational Districts Fellowship, I’ve cultivated a deep and practical understanding of grassroots challenges and innovative solutions. Trained as a computer science engineer, I made a conscious shift from the IT sector to pursue my passion for social impact, and I’ve never looked back. Throughout my career, I’ve collaborated with key stakeholders to drive meaningful change in various sectors, taking keen interest in reengineering system processes for optimizing outcomes for the communities we serve.

Outside of work, I while my time playing chess and solving Sudoku puzzles. Additionally, I am also a polyglot, fluent in seven languages.

Dr. Akshaya Patro

I have been working for over three decades in the development and market research industry, having led multidisciplinary teams of researchers to cater to various development sectors in different social and market research organisations in India. Ever since my doctoral research in the informal sector space, my personal interest has always been in the Livelihood and Rural Development sectors where I have done most of my professional work. My engagement with many Government of India ministries as well as leading donor organisations have exposed me to multiple sectors including WATSAN, rural development and poverty alleviation, education, maternal and child health, nutrition, and governance.

In my spare time, I am an avid cook, a karaoke enthusiast, and a movie buff.

Sandeep Ghosh

I have accumulated over three decades of experience and wisdom from working in the development sector space, servicing the consulting needs of various ministries, multilaterals, bilaterals, and their parastatals. Being formally trained as a geographer-planner, I have always held an ardent interest in measuring spatial disparities and their causalities. Over time, my work has also gravitated towards the MLE space, and working with large-scale public intend meta data to create products and services for administrators in key decision-making roles, the latter also being my current calling at DIU. 

Outside of my work commitments, I am usually entrenched in the kitchen, satisfying my curiosity as an amateur chef. I also love travelling, reading (only) fiction, and pampering my dog.